Objects ID List
The following table lists the business objects that are exposed through the DI API.
Object Name Object ID Description
ACT 1 Chart of Accounts
CRD 2 Business Partner Cards
ITM 4 Items
PLN 6 Price list names
SPP 7 Special prices
CPR 11 Contact employees
USR 12 Users
INV 13 Invoices
RIN 14 Credit notes
DLN 15 Delivery notes
RDN 16 Revert delivery notes
RDR 17 Orders
PCH 18 Purchases
RPC 19 Revert purchases
PDN 20 Purchase delivery notes
RPD 21 Revert purchase delivery notes
POR 22 Purchase orders
QUT 23 Quotations
RCT 24 Receipts incoming payments
DPS 25 Bill of Exchange Deposits
BTD 28 Journal vouchers
JDT 30 Journal entries
ITW 31 Item warehouse
CLG 33 Contact activities
CRN 37 Currency codes
CTG 40 Payment terms types
BNK 42 Bank pages
VPM 46 Payments to vendors
ITB 52 Item groups
CHO 57 Checks for payment
IGN 59 Inventory general entry
IGE 60 Inventory general exit
WHS 64 Warehouses codes and names
ITT 66 Product trees